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The ABC's of successful parenting
Introduction (2:28)
Meet the Instructor (2:05)
What's in this course? (1:27)
Maximize your learning (2:22)
The Mindset ABC's of Parenting
What is Mindset? (4:11)
Mindset A (3:45)
Mindset B (3:41)
Mindset C (6:06)
Section Quiz
The Human Voyage
Voyage Overview (7:24)
Time & Change (5:59)
Tango & Absolutes (8:05)
Voyage of courses (6:22)
Where am I on the checklist? (1:00)
Section Quiz
Parenting Reality
Parenting Reality (7:09)
Acceptance of Ignorance (2:53)
Acceptance of Understanding (12:01)
Acceptance of Less than Optimal Parenting (4:27)
Section Quiz
Welcome to Parenthood
Parents Choice (10:48)
Choose Fail (6:04)
Choose Change (7:09)
Section Quiz
Wrap Up
Summary (13:23)
Final Exam
Mindset B
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