Behavior Hacking: Understand your child: Eliminate Stress Worry and Frustration by learning about children and parents behavior and your child’s mind

The Parenthood Journey is one filled with action. Another way to describe action is behavior. Even our inaction is the results of our behavior. So parenthood is really a continuous path of behavior. Your behavior, your parental partner’s behavior, and your children’s behavior, all interacting, to create a family of behavior. It’s behavior that we as human examine at lightning speed and process at even faster speeds that will impact our own behavior.

Think of a time that you may have planned an outing. You go on a date, to the movies, to dinner or vacation. And while this activity is designed with intention to be a great event, someone's behavior impacts the thoughts, and feelings. A crankiness of your child ruins your feelings about taking them to the park. Their overexcitement keeps them from staying focused on the schedule you’ve worked hard to create, so you are late or miss out on things everyone wanted to do. Opinions get shared which leads to arguments which leads to nobody paying attention to the wonderful weather and the great time that is being lost due to behavior.

Behavior tends to be contagious, If everyone is in a great mood accept for your teenager and we engage the teenager this potentially escalates into the siblings and parents being upset. A great afternoon planned at the lake turns into a nightmare. Behavior is the culprit.

Raising an ever-changing child expecting smooth behavior along the journey is like going bare-foot in the snow and not expecting your feet to get cold and wet. Behavior is what all humans exhibit, it’s a form of communicating, it’s how we going about living our lives. It gets studied and copied by infants and continues to get noticed and copied throughout childhood and even into adulthood. As parents we know surprising little about behavior. Yes, we are aware of it and cause and effect aspects to some degree but none of us know the full makeup of behavior. Science is still trying to unravel this mystery. However we do know a ton about it. We know what happens in the mind that creates behavior. Science tells us of the changes we go through from developmental processes that greatly impact everything that lead to behavior. So we know a lot about what behavior is, how it works, what drives it, when behavior is likely to change, naturally, nurturally and mysteriously.

Help me, I'm parenting: Behavior Hacking, Understand your child Is a course that will help you better understand WHY you child behaves as they do. WHY they misbehave. Why you behave in reaction to their behavior. If we look at the formula of behavior and learned how and why it works we could then make changes in our behavior and teach our children how to behave in ways that are better for everyone. This course will give you understanding of the mind, development age, and behavior in great detail. It will give you charts to help assist you in ascertaining the behavior so you can take appropriate beneficial actions. Understanding what’s happening in the world of behavior will create a better sense of confidence and once you see the results that experience will solidify confidences as a parent. The helplessness, the frustration, the stress and worry begin to drop off. In just a few hours you will have an understanding of the following:

  • Brief history from the ancients to modern times on the topic of behavior
  • The ABC’s and IPO’s of the mind, how these simple formulas explain what happen in our minds that lead to behavior.
  • Nature, Nurture and Mystery Impacts on humans that impact behavior
  • What drives, motivates and stimulates behavior
  • Thing to look for to explain your child’s behavior so you know at a glance the truth to their behavior.
  • Cognitive Distortions and Meta Programs the power they have on behavior
  • Development stages presented by 8 specialist
  • You’ll receive list, charts and graphs to serve as aids to help you determine the true causes of your child’s behavior.
  • You’ll go through the process and learn of the power of setting goals, following through and looking at what you’ve done
  • And we will add to our previous courses by updating your parenting agreement and parenthood MAP

Coach Hall, is a Life Mastery Practitioner Specializing in the Parenthood Journey. He has been helping all types of families since 1977. He is an international “Best Selling” instructor with thousands of students from over 120 countries around the world. He has achieved certification in a variety of mind mastery disciplines and has been a mentor and coach to hundreds.

Help me, I'm parenting:Behavior hacking, Understand your child is a value-packed course that contains many of the same elements of a true workshop environment. You’ll be asked to fully participate in the several assignments to help you build confidence with understanding. Enroll today, so you can become an Optimal Parent!

Hi I'm Coach Hall, your Instructor

Hacking. In the 2020's this is a term that in some ways identifies just how embedded we are with computers and the internet. Back in the 1960's and 70's when I was a kid I never heard of this word. Still my parents would have loved to be able to look inside my head to better understand my behavior.

Children do things that have us smiling one second and scratching our heads the next. Why is my child acting out? Why is he being defiant? Why is she locked in her room and not joining us for dinner?

Behavior is something that puzzles parents. How can we get our children to have acceptable behavior? What is causing poor or inappropriate behavior? Why are they so hard to figure out or understand? Well more than many times I've heard parents say, "Why didn't my children come with instruction manuals?"

Ok, so they don't come with instructions but they all are human beings and they behave according to human design. All we have to do is hack this design manual and .... we will better understand our children.

You see often times the way we act and react is based upon the behavior of our child. Too often parents don't understand the "WHY" behind the behavior and begin to engage in ways that make issues go from small to large and unfortunately LONG LASTING. Meaning this interaction is what messes up kids and leads to a lifetime of "MIND" issues. (Mental and emotional health) After all the billion dollar plus self help and Psychotherapy industries have made fortunes off kids being messed up by the "parent to child" interactions due to not understanding behavior.

I created this course to help parents understand behavior. When we know why our child is behaving the way they are we can choose better interactions with them that will not mess them up forever. Rather this mutual understanding of behavior will develop into a better prepared successful adulthood complete with wonderful long lasting relationships. This future happens because as you learn behavior you teach these skills to your child so they too can understand why you and others behave. Come join me and let's start hacking!

Course Curriculum

  Course Overview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Review of the journey so far
Available in days
days after you enroll
  What drives behavior?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Understanding the mind basics
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Understanding the child’s mind
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Developmental age & Nature, Nurture & Mystery
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Recap of course and how it meets the goal of the course
Available in days
days after you enroll

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