How to Stop Alzheimers Dementia & Depression in their tracks

The science behind preventing, stopping & reversing Mental Health Diseases & the 9 methods to cure via lifestyle changes

If you have a family member or have one of these illnesses or diseases in your family or if you have been diagnosed with any mental illness or disease this course offers you a holistic and proactive approach to changing the prognosis to something much more promising including a complete reversal.

Alzheimers, Dementia & Depression are scary mental diseases that often lead to death. Families are devastated and lifestyles are radically changed when these illnesses impact a loved one. How to Stop Alzheimers, Dementia & Depression in their tracks, is a science based, action oriented course loaded with resources to help shield you from these terrible diseases.

How to Stop Alzheimers, Dementia & Depression in their tracks, is a course designed to give you practical tools to help you navigate this difficult ordeal. Your instruction has first hand experience in dealing with depression and has family members who were stricken with Dementia & Alzheimers. He will share his stories and provide you with the latest research and methods to combat these devastating diseases.

In just a few hours you will have methods & information to deal with the following issues:

  • Memory loss
  • Personality changes
  • Depression
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Dementia
  • Alzheimers
  • Family Members & how to information
  • Where to get the most up to date data.
  • Diet, Exercise & Social Life etc…

The primary objective of this course is to help you become aware of you can do to stop these diseases from advancing. What you have control over and what you don’t.

Coach Hall, is a Life Mastery Practitioner Specializing in the Parenthood Journey. He has been helping all types of families since 1977. He has achieved certification in a variety of mind mastery disciplines and has been a mentor and coach to hundreds.

How to Stop Alzheimers, Dementia & Depression in their tracks. This is a value-packed course contains research from Harvard Health, NIH, Psychology Today, University of Buffalo, BBC news, and several human studies in the UK and the USA.

Course Curriculum

Available in days
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  Method 1
Available in days
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  Method 2
Available in days
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  Method 3
Available in days
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  Method 4
Available in days
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  Method 5
Available in days
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  Method 6
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  Method 7
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  Method 8
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  Method 9
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  Bonus Articles
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  Wrap up
Available in days
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Hi, I’m Coach Hall your instructor

Mental Health is something that most people don't think about until someone close to us is afflicted by one of the many illnesses plaguing humanity in the world today. Even if we are fortunate enough to never have a mental health disorder we hear about its impact nearly everyday in the news.

In the USA we have thousands die each year from gun related violence. Mass shootings to suicide are often the result of mental health issues. Millions of people deal with some sort of mental health condition. Dementia & Alzheimers seem to have no prejudice and devastate minds and families. Over 100 billion dollars make up our pharmaceutical industries fight against depression.

I personally have been greatly impacted by several of these insidious ailments. I lost my grandmother to Alzheimer's and my uncle to Dementia. Depression has hit my mother, my brother and me. In fact I suffered from low levels of depression for most of my adult life and fell into a deep depression in 1996 when I was stricken with high anxiety and panic attacks. So to say I know a thing or two about mental health is an understatement.

Someone once stated that they were a psychonaut. Someone who explores the mind. Honestly I feel a strong connection to this new term. In order to escape my illness and reverse the course I had to make a number of changes in my life. I couldn't just rely on Pharmaceuticals and general therapy. I studied, researched and experimented until I stopped depression in its tracks. I continued to study impacts on the mind and the brain with urgency because of family members dying from these terrible illnesses. I am a father of four, two biological children that could very well become a victim of Alzheimers or dementia some day. So while I am on a mission to save all children I am no less interested in saving my children's future as well.

In this course are things we can do to STOP many mental illnesses from developing and things we can do to reverse some of them as well. Take charge of your mental health and spend a little time on becoming preventative and wellness oriented by joining me in this course.

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