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Optimal Parenting The Complete "Help me I'm a Parent" Series
Introduction Overview (7:36)
Study aids & course workbook (7:17)
The Human Voyage (25:14)
The Parenthood Journey (11:14)
KISS the kids & A2B (3:36)
Goals of the course (3:52)
B points
B points overview (4:00)
I want my child to behave… (3:57)
I want to feel capable as a parent (3:13)
I want to help my child … (4:45)
I want help from … (5:23)
You should want… (8:19)
Goal Control (6:05)
Quiz for B points
A points
A point Section Overview (4:17)
Dynamic A the principle of Change (4:17)
Understanding your True A point (5:49)
Forgiveness (5:27)
Know your level of self mastery (3:19)
Know your level of Relationship mastery (3:58)
Know your degree of Parenting knowledge (4:07)
Know your parenting roles (2:47)
Know your parenting style (1:42)
Know your parenting/family goals (2:34)
Know your family what, how and why (4:50)
Know your plan (3:26)
Know your parenting agreement (2:04)
Check your P’s (4:06)
Quiz for A points
A Point Assessments
Section Overview (2:27)
being v doing v thinking
open v closed mind (10:12)
Reactive v Responsive (12:33)
Fixed v Growth (15:36)
Outcome v Process (14:55)
personality style overview (7:05)
personality style assessment (7:48)
personality style & relationships (2:15)
parenting style overview (10:02)
parenting style assessment (5:20)
meta program assessment (13:07)
cognitive distortion assessment (13:48)
governing style assessment (9:06)
assess reassess & assess some more (3:56)
Quiz for A point assessments
“2” the voyage of change
The “2” of the A2B starts with the ABC’s (1:53)
Mindset, what is it? (4:11)
Mindset A (3:45)
Mindset B (3:41)
Mindset C (6:06)
Parenting Method Wheel (2:26)
Parenting Method Factors (0:56)
Roles & Task Unpacked (2:12)
Task change = Method change (1:51)
Step 1 (3:36)
Step 2 (2:30)
Step 3 (4:01)
Step 4 (2:23)
Step 5 (3:26)
Step 6 (6:20)
Is mastery needed? (0:47)
Optimum Performance (3:25)
How long will it take? (4:09)
Realistic Goal (2:53)
Realistic Agreements (8:01)
Understanding is needed (3:33)
Time to Understanding (6:46)
Knowing where you are (2:47)
Time to Form NEW Habits (7:29)
The 3 P’s of smooth change (3:16)
Realistic Change (7:22)
Change in Self (2:53)
Change in Relationship (4:11)
Change in Parenting (3:57)
Change in Family Dynamics (6:13)
Quiz for "2" the voyage of change
Mapping out our “2”
Story about MAPS part 1 (7:21)
Story about MAPS part 2 (7:20)
Ignorance pledge (6:46)
Where are you? (9:49)
Comparing your voyages part 1 (8:44)
Comparing your voyages part 2 (4:25)
Collect & Compare part 1 (8:49)
Collect & Compare part 2 (9:10)
Sharing us with each other (4:13)
Conversation order (8:29)
Me vs You??? (7:16)
Set Goals?? (9:45)
Family Dynamics (5:00)
Empty Nesting (9:52)
The New Routine (6:39)
Point A to Point B (8:53)
Step 1 Step 2 part 1 (9:15)
Step 1 Step 2 part 2 (8:33)
Why do we need this agreement? part 1 (4:27)
Why do we need this agreement? part 2 (8:06)
Assignment fill out the agreement (3:25)
Star Family coaching GOALS workbook (3:35)
A Complex Topic (3:15)
The Optimal Parent Starting Goal part 1 (9:42)
The Optimal Parent Starting Goal part 2 (9:09)
Task Preference (8:34)
Pros and Cons of each Preference (7:48)
SFC Preference suggestions (8:55)
The six P’s (7:24)
Rigid Flexibility (5:33)
What are Parenting Roles? (9:21)
Creator Basics (7:30)
Provider Basics (5:21)
Nurturer Basics (6:02)
Buddy Basics (6:42)
Coach Basics (9:04)
Governor Basics (9:05)
Model Basics (9:01)
Referee Basics (8:46)
Parenting Roles Wrap Up (9:58)
the Mind-State ABC’s part 1 (4:20)
the Mind-State ABC’s part 2 (6:15)
Positional Experiencing (9:45)
The wolf, 3 pigs and the squirrels part 1 (9:10)
The wolf, 3 pigs and the squirrels part 2 (4:11)
Attitude Techniques part 1 (3:31)
Attitude Techniques part 2 (9:17)
Attitude Techniques part 3 (9:32)
The “D” word unpacked part 1 (6:40)
The “D” word unpacked part 2 (9:45)
Effective Discipline Techniques part 1 (4:54)
Effective Discipline Techniques part 2 (8:58)
Effective Discipline Techniques part 3 (6:59)
Parts of the MAP part 1 (9:42)
Parts of the MAP part 2 (6:37)
Assignment Revisiting the parenting agreement (9:57)
Assignment Practice Discipline Techniques (7:35)
Assignment Practice Attitude techniques (6:29)
Assignment Practice Positional Experiencing (6:11)
Assignment Incorporate your goals into a list or agenda (4:13)
Assignment Create your MAP (7:52)
Parenting MAP example & template part 1 (9:18)
Parenting MAP example & template part 2 (8:43)
Self mastery in-sync with family values (5:10)
Modeling Self & relationship Mastery (4:13)
Modeling Parenting & Family Dynamics Mastery (4:33)
Modeling Empty Nesting & Life transition Mastery (8:37)
Modeling Coaching & Governing (4:29)
Modeling Goals and the Ultimate Goal of Optimal Parenting (8:54)
The Boy who cried wolf part 1 (9:13)
The Boy who cried wolf part 2 (8:26)
Quiz for Mapping out our "2"
“2” the behaviors
What is Behavior? (4:56)
An Increasingly Popular Behavior Framework (6:18)
Behavior Formula (5:22)
Nature Nurture Mystery (5:46)
The Power of Belief (5:09)
Motivational Factors (6:07)
Assignment using Match Mismatch (3:39)
Towards & Away Motivation (6:40)
Emotion Energy connection (7:31)
Why we misbehave (9:00)
Equilibrium Disequilibrium (6:43)
Poor Messaging Communication (4:36)
Assignment using Ladder of inference (5:39)
Parenting Style (7:19)
M.E. Mind Unpacked (5:10)
Cognitive Distortions unpacked (7:54)
Meta Programs unpacked (5:45)
Emotional Intelligence (5:20)
Upstairs Downstairs (5:16)
Cognition Construct (8:47)
Biological Timelines & Charts (6:33)
Jean Piaget Timelines & charts (6:53)
Erik Erikson Timelines & charts
Robert Kegan Timelines & charts (6:03)
Morris Massey Timelines & charts (6:09)
Other notables Timelines & charts (9:02)
Creation of the Cognition Tower (6:30)
What is our actual age? (9:09)
Early Bloomers, In-Sync and Late Bloomers (7:41)
Chronological Age (3:37)
Biological Age (3:04)
Relative Age (3:53)
Maturation Age Intellectual & Emotional (3:26)
Experiential Age (3:56)
Complexities of DA & NNM (7:27)
Quiz for "2" the behaviors
To A2B we need to communicate
Communication Principles (5:16)
Why we need to communicate (5:07)
How it fits into the 6 phases of the human voyage (3:55)
Brief history of communication (2:53)
Tower of Babble (5:05)
Translators (7:35)
Communication the environment we Create & Navigate (5:05)
Aspen Study on the value of Nurture/Communication (5:23)
Our first language and means of communicating (6:37)
Communication the two way street that begins with your senses (7:19)
The triple A’s of Effective Listening (6:39)
Two eyes One mouth (2:54)
Eye to Eye Head to head leveling (4:26)
Poor communication habits (4:46)
Poor Delivery Methods (6:11)
The Better Delivery Method (3:53)
Love Language Overview (3:52)
Love Languages broken down (5:08)
Plus one, Glasser’s Addition (7:19)
How to Determine Love Language (5:25)
Cognition Tower, the tool to help with communication (9:15)
Body Language & Emotional Language with C.T. (4:51)
M.E. Mind the congress of your mind (6:20)
M.E. Elevator the vehicle driven by the “P” (6:18)
Mindfulness the connecting force of M.E. mind (3:51)
Three Primary Position Review (8:39)
Using the M.E. Elevator with C.T. to connect with your child. (5:13)
Using the M.E. Elevator with Mindfulness (7:04)
Examples of C.T. with M.E. Elevator for levels 1 & 2 (6:02)
Examples of C.T. with M.E. Elevator for level 3 (8:46)
Examples of C.T. with M.E. Elevator for level 4
The Big 3 Roles using the C.T. & M.E. tools (4:28)
A look at Emotional Intelligence & Phase 5 (7:14)
C.T.M.E. & Coaching (9:23)
C.T.M.E. & Governing (4:04)
C.T.M.E. & Modeling (4:37)
Communication Behavior, the phase 1 & 2 connection (3:51)
Quiz for To A2B we need to communicate
A2B Strategies
Strategy as a Concept (2:15)
Coach Strategy (4:55)
The components of Strategy (5:50)
Parenting Strategy & It’s Importance (4:27)
Shooting from the Hip (4:38)
Mirror Mirror on the wall (3:47)
Strategic Actions & Reactions (5:05)
Ineffective Parenting Phrases (4:57)
WHY these phrases are ineffective (4:32)
Ineffective Words (3:17)
WHY these words are ineffective (3:47)
Ineffective Parenting Styles (6:55)
WHY these styles are ineffective (5:51)
Strategy Topics (6:45)
Principles & Optimal Process Flowchart (6:06)
TRICK (5:15)
TRICK Breakdown (5:51)
Intro to ACT (6:17)
Why ACT as a strategy? (7:21)
Intro to GROWTH (4:21)
Intro to PET (4:53)
SFC in a nutshell (5:45)
The Language of Acceptance (5:31)
Examples of Verbal Acceptance (3:46)
Listening with Purpose (5:34)
Actively Digging for the need (4:04)
Who own’s the problem? (7:14)
The Problem of unacceptable behavior (6:00)
You Messages vs I-Messages (3:43)
The power of the “I” (9:06)
The “How to” of behavior change (6:15)
Dewey’s & Glasser’s Recipes (9:18)
Power Struggle with “win win” approach (6:43)
Breaking Down the three methods (5:13)
Putting PET into Action (5:30)
Growth from Concrete to Formal (4:58)
Center of Control (4:34)
Implicit theories of Intelligence (5:43)
Dweck meets Lipton (5:12)
Belief: your mind’s sub-conscious GOAL! (5:19)
Belief/Brain Change (5:57)
Growth Strategy Parenting (7:06)
Growth in Parenting (9:59)
The selecting process (6:28)
Dynamic Strategy (4:45)
Combining Strategy (4:57)
Strategy of Optimal Strategy (7:09)
Method Change review (6:23)
Your Strategy & the first 2 phases of Parenthood (5:14)
Your Strategy & phases 3 & 4 of Parenthood (3:41)
Your Strategy & phases 5 & 6 of Parenthood (5:31)
Taking time to pause, examine and Tweak (6:12)
Quiz for A2B Strategies
A2B Family Management
Time It’s value importance and reality (3:58)
Time Measures (4:53)
Time Wasters (5:42)
Time Investments (9:58)
How to look at our use of time (9:29)
How to evaluate our time spent (8:34)
How to analyze our time (7:00)
Tools to help us with time (3:29)
Star Family Constitution (5:47)
Step 1 (4:34)
Step 2 (6:14)
Step 3 (3:32)
Step 4 (6:35)
Step 5 (7:37)
Step 6 (7:46)
Step 7 (7:03)
Step 8 (7:38)
Step 9 (4:01)
Step 10 (6:00)
Training video overview (2:42)
Part 1 of 5 (9:34)
Part 2 of 5 (8:54)
Part 3 of 5 (9:26)
Part 4 of 5 (9:40)
Part 5 of 5 (9:53)
Capture Grow Release (7:35)
Tying the pieces together (6:15)
Quiz for A2B family Management
WRAP-UP & Final thoughts
WRAP-UP & Final thoughts (2:55)
Final Exam
How it fits into the 6 phases of the human voyage
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