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Divorce: How to heal, feel better & flourish while parenting
What is this course about? (4:13)
There's a light at the end of the tunnel (5:38)
Meet the Coach (3:43)
Divorce Dynamics vs Types & TIME, CHANGE & Good BAD Great principles (14:04)
Behavior Modeling During Divorce
Human Behavior & The Parents most important role (6:38)
I.P.O’s & States of mind (6:46)
Behavior Modeling During divorce impacts on children (5:39)
Separate the Relationship Divorce from parenting (2:35)
Objective Position : Being the adult (5:41)
Before, During & After Family Dynamics (3:44)
Before the procedure (8:33)
Before the filing (7:13)
During the procedure (18:29)
After cycle of grief Parent & child (8:10)
Managing expectations & Temperament (5:17)
Settling into the new Dynamic (3:53)
Co-Parenting Agreement
Love Language (14:26)
Child Support (5:00)
Child Visitation, Time Share Agreement (7:06)
Parenting Agreement Plan (6:33)
Two Homes Two sets of rules (9:50)
Rigid Flexibility (7:40)
Potential issues and how to cope
Co-Parenting Unity “the dangers of violating the agreement” (6:01)
Different Parenting Styles (15:03)
New Relationships (12:07)
Abuse & Neglect & Domestic Violence (7:20)
Taking Sides (7:58)
Uncooperative Parent (5:28)
Divorce The impact on children
The worries of your child (15:31)
Dealing with the ex; parent perspective (9:59)
Dealing with the ex; child perspective (9:24)
Grudge parenting (Using the children to get back at the ex) (6:34)
Putting Down the Other Parent (6:09)
Communicating through the children (7:46)
Quizzing Children About the Other Parent (7:10)
Viewing Divorce from multiple perspectives (10:47)
Modeling How to mend wounds, (Gratitude and Forgiveness) (6:14)
Settling into the new Dynamic
What Happens now? Take PUCC (Stress Free Parenting Course) Join Support group (9:05)
Parenting Style assessment (6:37)
Proactive Guiding Parenting aka Optimal Parent (11:07)
Remember to be the adult and see from your child’s point of view (8:34)
Course Wrap up
Recommended reading and resources (5:22)
How this course connects with others (4:00)
Wrap up and conclusion (3:01)
Settling into the new Dynamic
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