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Communication Mastery Beginner/Advance
Course Overview
Goal of this course (5:44)
Expectations & Suggestions (6:26)
What’s in this Course? (6:20)
Can I take this course as a stand alone? (2:52)
Course Workbook
Overview Quiz
Review of the journey so far
The Help me I’m a Parent Series (7:39)
Human Voyage (5:16)
The journey so far Quiz
Communication Basics (Beginner)
Communication Principles (5:16)
Why we need to communicate (5:07)
How it fits into the 6 phases of the human voyage (3:55)
Brief history of communication (2:53)
Tower of Babble (5:05)
Translators (7:35)
Communication the environment we Create & Navigate (5:05)
Aspen Study on the value of Nurture Communication (5:23)
Our first language and means of communicating (6:37)
Communication the two way street that begins with your senses (7:19)
Communication Basics (beginner) Quiz
Communication Skills (Intermediate)
The triple A’s of Effective Listening (6:39)
Two eyes One mouth (2:54)
Eye to Eye Head to head leveling (4:26)
Poor communication habits (4:46)
Poor Delivery Methods (6:11)
The Better Delivery Method (3:53)
Love Language Overview (3:52)
Love Languages broken down (5:08)
Plus one, Glasser’s Addition (7:19)
How to Determine Love Language (5:25)
Communication Skills (intermediate) Quiz
Communication Mastery (Advanced)
Cognition Tower, the tool to help with communication (9:15)
Body Language & Emotional Language with C.T. (4:51)
M.E. Mind the congress of your mind (6:20)
M.E. Elevator the vehicle driven by the “P” (6:18)
Mindfulness the connecting force of M.E. mind (3:51)
Three Primary Position Review (8:39)
Using the M.E. Elevator with C.T. to connect with your child. (5:13)
Using the M.E. Elevator with Mindfulness (7:04)
Examples of C.T. with M.E. Elevator for levels 1 & 2 (6:02)
Examples of C.T. with M.E. Elevator for level 3 (8:46)
Examples of C.T. with M.E. Elevator for level 4 (7:39)
Communication Mastery (advanced) Quiz
Tying the Pieces together
The Big 3 Roles using the C.T. & M.E. tools (4:28)
A look at Emotional Intelligence & Phase 5 (7:14)
C.T.M.E. & Coaching (9:23)
C.T.M.E. & Governing (4:04)
C.T.M.E. & Modeling (4:37)
Communication Behavior, the phase 1 & 2 connection (3:51)
Updating the Parenting MAP (6:24)
What's next in the series (3:13)
Wrap up (6:41)
Final Thoughts (6:41)
Final Quiz
Final Quiz
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