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The Parenting MAP
Introduction to parenting Map (5:33)
Story about MAPS part 1 (7:21)
Story about MAPS part 2 (7:20)
Course Workbook (4:18)
Course Goal (6:36)
Putting our Starts together
Ignorance pledge (6:46)
You are Here (9:59)
Where are you? (9:49)
Comparing your voyages part 1 (8:44)
Comparing your voyages part 2 (4:25)
Collect & Compare part 1 (8:49)
Collect & Compare part 2 (9:10)
Section Quiz
The Heart to Heart Talk
Sharing us with each other (4:13)
Conversation order (8:30)
Me vs You??? (7:16)
Set Goals?? (9:45)
Family Dynamics (5:00)
Empty Nesting (9:53)
The New Routine (6:39)
Section Quiz
Setting Our Goals
Point A to Point B (8:54)
Step 1 Step 2 part 1 (9:15)
Step 1 Step 2 part 2 (8:33)
Why do we need this agreement? part 1 (4:27)
Why do we need this agreement? part 2 (8:06)
Assignment fill out the agreement (3:25)
Star Family Coaching GOALS workbook (3:36)
Section Quiz
A complex topic (3:15)
The Optimal Parent Starting Goal part 1 (9:42)
The Optimal Parent Starting Goal part 2 (9:09)
Task Preference (8:34)
Pros and Cons of each Preference (7:48)
SFC Preference suggestions (8:55)
The six P’s (7:24)
Rigid Flexibility (5:33)
What are Parenting Roles? (9:21)
Section Quiz
Parenting Roles
Creator Basics (7:31)
Provider Basics (5:21)
Nurturer Basics (6:02)
Buddy Basics (6:42)
Coach Basics (9:04)
Governor Basics (9:05)
Model Basics (9:01)
Referee Basics (8:46)
Parenting Roles Wrap Up (9:58)
Parenting Delivery
the Mind-State ABC’s part 1 (4:20)
the Mind-State ABC’s part 2 (6:15)
Positional Experiencing (9:45)
The wolf, 3 pigs and the squirrels part 1 (9:10)
The wolf, 3 pigs and the squirrels part 2 (4:11)
Attitude Techniques part 1 (3:32)
Attitude Techniques part 2 (9:17)
Attitude Techniques part3 (9:32)
The “D” word unpacked part 1 (6:40)
The “D” word unpacked part 2 (9:45)
Effective Discipline Techniques part 1 (4:55)
Effective Discipline Techniques part 2 (8:59)
Effective Discipline Techniques part 3 (6:59)
Section Quiz
Creating the MAP
Parts of the MAP part 1 (9:42)
Parts of the MAP part 2 (6:37)
Assignment Revisiting the parenting agreement (9:57)
Assignment Practice Discipline Techniques (7:35)
Assignment Practice Attitude techniques (6:29)
Assignment Practice Positional Experiencing (6:11)
Assignment Incorporate your goals into a list or agenda (4:13)
Assignment Create your MAP (7:52)
Section Quiz
Putting it all together
Parenting MAP example & template part 1 (9:18)
Parenting MAP example & template part 2 (8:43)
Remember your human Voyage & parenthood journey (6:58)
Remember Roles & Task (5:18)
Self mastery in-sync with family values (5:10)
Modeling Self & relationship Mastery (4:13)
Modeling Parenting & Family Dynamics Mastery (4:33)
Modeling Empty Nesting & Life transition Mastery (8:37)
Modeling Coaching & Governing (4:30)
Modeling Goals and the Ultimate Goal of Optimal Parenting (8:54)
The Boy who cried wolf part 1 (9:13)
The Boy who cried wolf part 2 (8:26)
What’s next & Final Thoughts (7:38)
Final Exam
Star Family Coaching GOALS workbook
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