100% Proactive Empowerment Method of helping yourself and others achieve sustainable success, fulfillment & happiness

5 courses in ONE +

21 hours of on demand video lectures. 5 of Coach Hall's Top selling courses are perfectly weaved together in this Science based easy to follow and implement into your life, course.

Complete with a bonus section. In essence a 6th course that takes you step by step from how to start putting these proven concepts and techniques into practice. Plus Lectures specifically for Coaches. Session By Session what to do and how to do it. All the forms and Workbooks you need to get started helping yourself and others are included in this Master Level Course

Hi I'm Coach Hall

The Optimal Happy Life Practitioner and Coaching Course is a blueprint to how to have the best possible life. You can define it as Happiness, Success, Excellence, Fulfillment or any word that equates to having an Optimum Existence.

I am a living example to the power of this course. I use the Keys, the Ingredients, the formula and activate the chemicals in my brain that create the culture of happiness I enjoy everyday of my life.

I have sold these courses individually and have thousands of satisfied students. Many have taking the time to send me personal thanks and written wonderful unsolicited reviews. If you apply what I teach, you will have an Optimal Life.

Not only will your life become happier, more successful, and more fulfilled but as a bonus I'll show you how you can teach others as a Optimal Happy Life Coach. Share in the happiness and Earn an income at the same time or just freely share the joy.

YOLO. You only live once why not learn the keys, the ingredients, the formula, and the chemistry to a happy life. Understand your Human Voyage. Take command of your Human Voyage. Have an Optimal Happy Life on your Human Voyage.

Enroll today and take charge of your life.

Student Support

Engage with others. Find a Study Buddy. Participate in challenges, discussions, and practices. Feel your retention and confidence grow. Ask Coach Hall questions. Receive bonus lectures. Get the latest updates, faster, and move your Learning to Launching. Stick around and move from Launching to Earning. No obligation and Membership is both private, by invitation only and FREE.

Course Resources

Get loads of Workbooks. Mp3's for listening on the go. A course Book. Lots of PDF's. Quizzes and more within the Learning to Launching to Earning Student Support facebook group.

SFC Certified

Become an Optimal Happy Life Practitioner & Coach.

Become a living example of happiness. Help others by your example, by teaching and coaching.

Example Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Human Voyage
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Secret
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Face Your Mind
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Keys to an Optimum Life
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Ingredients to Sustainable Success
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Formula for Ongoing Fulfillment
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Neuroscience, Chemistry and Art of being Happy Forever
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Practitioner & Coaching
Available in days
days after you enroll

This course is closed for enrollment.

Stop taking pictures of life.

Become the picture.

I encourage you to go start your life journal, today! Make a Honest Assessment of your "A" point with the Face your mind Questions. Begin plugging in the KEYS, the Ingredients, the formula and the chemistry of happiness, today. Follow the Practitioner steps. Discover that in 30 days your life will feel better because you'll be happy now, tomorrow and forever.

Stay in the LLE group and begin to experience the Launch of your NEW Happier life. Share the experience and begin to see that you too can impact the lives of others. Create a culture of happiness that is contagious. Spread happiness to your family, friends, and your community.

Do this and in five years the pictures you'll take will be more than portraits of nice buildings. They will be filled with happy people.

My friend you now have the information. You have the power to convert it to knowledge, to apply it and gain lesson from the greatest of teachers experience. With that experience you will understand life, practice the optimal ways of life, and become a master of life. So put down the camera and jump into life.

An Optimal Life is just a choice away. What will you do?